Astrology & Crystals

Eclipse Season October 2023

Eclipse Season October 2023

We have 2 Eclipses this month. The first being a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th and the second being a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th.

Eclipses energetically signify times of new beginnings and ending of old patterns. Often there is a lot of change and transitional energy surrounding them. Sometimes in a chaotic, unpredictable way. Always with the intent of aligning you more with your authentic self and highest soul path though.

Pay attention to what things are coming up for you during these periods. This could be the universe trying to show you where you are out of alignment in your life. Especially with all the Libra energy we have going on and with this first Eclipse being in that sign. We are really being called to look at all parts of our life and evaluate where we are putting in too much energy and which parts could use a little more nurturing. It is important to keep our lives balanced and in a harmonious space as much as possible.

Authenticity is a huge theme for these eclipses as well. Energy doesn't lie and the universe can see through the facade you may be broadcasting to the world. Be true to yourself and where you want to be in this life. Start making moves to align more with who you truly are and what your should truly wants and the universe will reward this. 

Ok so now which crystals can we use to navigate some of this chaotic energy?

Fluorite: This is not only one of my personal favorites right now but also one a lot of my clients and customers are gravitating towards as well. And for good reason! Fluorite is able to calm chaotic energy and help to transmute negative energies into a more loving and light filled energy. It is also good for focus, concentrating and getting us out of our heads to to speak. Keeping fluorite in your space at work and home are highly recommended during this time.  

Gold Sheen Obsidian: I discovered this crystal during one of the eclipse seasons last year and I'm so glad I did. It is one of my all time favorites to use. It helps to dissolve negativity, protects your energy aura, clears blockages and realigns your personal strength. One of my favorite things about this stone is that when used during meditation it can help you see your problems without your ego getting  involved. It can help you to see what is actually happening versus what your mind thinks is happening. It's great for self realization exercises and shadow work type stuff. 

Smoky Quartz and Clear Quartz: I like to use these together to clear negativity energy from me and my space with the smoky quartz. Then I light everything back up and fill in those negative spaces with source energy from the clear quartz. I do this meditation style and just imagine the smoky quartz finding all of the negative energy and dissolving it into a cloud of smoke. Then I imagine the clear quartz filling my body light and letting it radiate out of me. Lighting up the surrounding area I'm in. I tap into this energy any time I feel the negative energy coming back. 

I hope this helped break down some of this energy and give a little guidance on how to navigate it better. One more thing I'll add is that since eclipse energy is so chaotic, it's not necessarily energy that you want to actively work with. So it's not generally a time to do your normal new moon and full moon rituals. The best way to honor this energy is to just take care of yourself and stay aligned with who you are and what you want out of life. Meditate, do self care things, spend time in nature, nourish your body with good foods and stay hydrated. 

Thanks for reading this round of Astrology & Crystals! Sending you all lots of love and light to navigate your way through this energy.  


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